Current Professional
- Consultant Oncologist Addenbrooke's Hospital Cambridge University NHS
Trusts >>
- Consultant Oncology and Head or Research Bedford Hospital >>
- Consultant Oncologist Genesis Care UK >>
- Professor of Nutrition ad Exercise Science University of Bedfordshire >>
- Senior Clinical Tutor Cambridge University
- Health Journalist National World News >>
- Head of Oncology Royal London Hospital for Integrative Medicine >>
Other current posts
- Chief editor of
- Fellow of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine
- Patron of the National Conference of Cancer Self
Help Groups
- Patron of Cambridge Cancer Help
- Medical Director of the Cancer Partners UK Living
Well programme
- Board member of the College of Integrative Medicine
- Board member of British Society of Integrative Oncology >>
Previous posts
- Visiting Professor of post graduate medicine, Cranfield University
- Visiting Professor Department Applied Biological and
Exercise science, Coventry University
- Chair of the Macmillan Exercise Expert Advisory Board
and walking for Health Boards
- Patron of the National Conference of Cancer Self
Help Groups
- Media spokes person for Macmillan Cancer Support
Professor Robert Thomas is a practicing consultant, cancer specialist, with
30 year’s experience in patient care.
After formal training at the Royal Marsden, National
Hospital for Neurology, Royal Free
and Middlesex Hospitals London, he now leads chemotherapy services at the
Primrose Oncology & Research Unit, Bedford and treats patients with
radiotherapy at Addenbrooke’s Hospital,
where he is also teaches Medical Students in his role of Senior Clinical Tutor, Cambridge University.
At Addenbrooke's he lead the introduction of
prostate brachytherapy and now manages patients with radiotherapy using conventional, conformal,
intensity modulated (IMRT), image guided (IGRT) and tomotherapy
techniques. His systemic medical practice is based at Bedford at the designated cancer
(The Primrose Unit) and at The Manor Hospital
Biddenham. Specialist
interests include the care of patients with breast,
prostate, bladder,
kidney, Skin and bowel cancer using chemotherapy,
hormone therapy and biological
agents. He treats private patients with radiotherapy at he
Genesis Health Care units at Milton Keynes and Elstree.
Teaching posts
As a clinical tutor at Cambridge University he teachers medical students
in clinic and at the bedside. He scored the highest grade "outstanding clinical teacher" from
every student for three years running. At Cranfield University he lectured post
graduate translational medicine students and is co-supervisor of MSc and PHD students. He
designed and teaches on the UK's first cancer training course in cancer
rehabilitation for exercise professionals (level
4) and gives regular lectures
on the evidence for self help lifestyle strategies after cancer to survivorship
groups and international medical conferences. He was lead clinician in the
development of higher training programme for clinicians involved in clinical
research called the "Principal Investigator master class" now run
across the UK.
Healthy after Cancer
ISBN 9780955821257
Published January 2020
Health Education Publications
book aims to empower individuals with reliable information to ensure they can
make the right lifestyle choices after cancer. Foreword by Paula

Estilo de Vida
ISBN 978-955821226
Published August 2013
Health Education Publications
Cancer Este libro es una guía
práctica sobre el estilo de vida especialmente pensado para individuos que
tuvieron cáncer o están en tratamiento.
by the National
Cancer Hospital Mexico |
to Live
ISBN 9781780724188
September 2020 by Short Books UK
This book describes the nutritional and lifestyle factors which
influence the biologically of immunity, chronic
inflammation and risks of cancer, other chronic diseases and covid.
Healthy Cancer Cancer
Lithuanian Version
March 2020
Distributed via POLA
Lithuania |
Editorial experience
Editorial input into the
2000 national NHS Cancer plan, the DoH review of complementary medicine; The NICE
committee on palliative and supportive medicine. Editor of the Macmillan Cancer
Relief survivorship evidence review document and write and update a number of their
lifestyle patient
information booklets. Deputy editor of the British Journal of Cancer
Management and editor of the the medical journal "Focus on cancer
medicine". He is editor of the cancer
treatment and lifestyle advice website
- Royal College of Physicians
- Fellow of the Royal college of Radiotherapies and
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- European Society of Medical Oncology
- National Cancer Research Clinical Studies Group on
Complementary Therapies.
- Chair of the Macmillan Cancer Support
Survivorship Expert Advisory Committee
- British Urology Group
- Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
- Patient information advisory committee Instituto Nacional
de Cancerología Mexico City
- The Grouch Club, Soho, London
Research interests
He leads a busy research team which recruits enthusiastically in range of
National (NCRN) studies involving chemotherapy, biological therapies, hormones
and radiotherapy. He was Europe's highest recruiter in three large pharmaceutical
trials and was the UK's highest recruiter in the diet Comply study and prostate relapse
outcome trial. Despite a long history of basic scientific and laboratory
research his own academic interests now focus on ways to improve
patient’s quality of life, reduce their side effects and improve their
understanding of their disease and treatment options. He has designed,
conducted and published ten nationally ethically approved scientific studies as
well as a number of cost effectiveness studies linked to Cranfield School of
Management, Cranfield, Oxford, Cambridge, Hull and more recentlyBedfordshire Universities. The methodology for this research is also now being
taught to colleagues and students internationally in formal teaching programs,
medical conferences and invited lectures.
He has a particularly strong research
interest on how lifestyle interacts with the cancer process and how an optimal
lifestyle can improve quality of life and disease outcome following a diagnosis
of cancer. As well as a number of practical lifestyle strategies for patients,
his team have designed and conducted the worlds largest prospective lifestyle study in men with prostate cancer. He has designed
the world's first double blind RCT of and broad spectrum
nutritional supplement for prostate cancer (The UK Pomi-T
study). In 2017 presented the results of a double blind RCT of a
polyphenolic rich nail bed balm which prevented one of the most troublesome side
effect of one of the most common chemotherapy agents - onycholysis - the UK polybalm
Prizes and awards
- Roche
MD Anderson prize for clinical research 1994.
- The
Northwest travelling fellowship 1995.
- Bupa
Foundation communication prize merit 1999
foundation communication sponsorship award 1999
book prize – winner 1999, BMA
video prize – 2000
- Hospital
Doctor magazine innovation category winner– 2000
- Hospital
Doctor magazine Doctor of the Year - 2000
communication research prize – winner 2001
- The
British Oncology Association Oncologist of the year 2006/7
- The
Royal College of Radiologists and Oncologist Richard Ellis Medal for a
distinguished publication in 2014
- Honorary
Fellowship of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine 2023
- TV documentaries: The London programme 2001; Panorama 2005. The Food Doctor
2011. Moscow TV December 2015, Belarus TV June 2016
- TV news interviews; Look East, BBC Cambridge plus Italy, Greece, Mexico and Australia
- Live TV appearances: News night (Jeremy Paxman) 2009, BBC breakfast news 2011
- Live Radio interviews; BBC Cambridge X3, LBC, Hertfort FM x4, New York FM x1,
Radio Europe live chat, Radio 4 Jeremy Vines show. BBC Wales,
Swindon FM, the World Service 2011
Media: Macmillan website webcast and has featured in 5 national educational
Financial interests in the last 10 years
All monies received by Dr Thomas or his research team have been unconditional and
unrestricted i.e. they have not had any editorial influence or were connected to the educational content of talks, published papers or design of clinical
- Unconditional Educational Research Grants: Novartis, Astrazeneca, Pfizer,
- Travel and Conference Educational Grants: Novartis; GlaxoSmithKline;
Pierre Fabre; Italian Trading Corp; Helsinn; NatureMedical.
- Share interests: Astrazeneca (2014); Unilever (2015); Naturemedical Ltd,;
- Unrestricted speakers fees: Janssen: AstraZeneca; Helsinn, Memorial Sloane Kettering Hospital
- Advisory Board income: Jansenn, Novartis, Helsinn
Original clinical research (Lead investigator and first author)
- What size chest tube for pleural effusions? Robert Thomas, Stephen Sagar. British Journal of Hospital Medicine (l990). Vol 43. p.53.
- An analysis of surveillance for stage one combined teratoma/seminoma of the testis.
Thomas R, Dearnaley D, Horwich A. British Journal of Cancer (1996), vol 74, pp 59-63.
- Hypofractionated radiotherapy as palliative treatment in poor prognosis patients with high grade glioma. R Thomas, N James, D
Guerro, M Brada. Radiotherapy & Oncology (1995) 33; 113-16.
- Speech and language disorders in patients with high grade gliomas and its influence on survival. R Thomas, M O'Conner, S Ashley, M Brada. Journal of Neuro-Oncology (1995). Vol.23: p.265-270.
- Pneumothorax and palliative pleural aspiration - an audit of technique. Robert Thomas, J Maher. Palliative Medicine (1993): 7: pp 67-71.
- Metastatic Parathyroid Carcinoma. Robert Thomas, Ana Cassoni. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (1992). 85(3) 92;182.
- Modifying the Barthel performance index score for use with patients with brain tumours. R.Thomas D Guerrero, F Hines, M Brada. European Journal of Cancer Care (1995) Vol.4, pp. 63-68.
- Modifying the Barthel index for use in patients with brain tumours - an update. R Thomas. European Journal of Cancer Care (1997). Vol.7, pp 62-7.
- Distribution kinetics of radiolabelled Mab's in experimental tumours following interstitial
admin. R Thomas, P Carnochan, M Brada - Radioactive isotopes in Nuclear Med
& Research (1994); 56-82.
- Patients preferences for video cassette recorded information. Effect of age, sex and ethnic group. Thomas R, Deary A, Kaminski E, D Stockton, N De Zeeuw. The
EJCC (1999). Vol 8 pp 23-27.
- Forewarned is forearmed - benefits of preparatory information on video for patients receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- a RCT. Thomas R, Daly M et al. EJC (2000), 36; 1536-43.
- Lessons Learnt from Raltitrexed - Quality Assurance and Intensive Supportive Drugs to Optimize Tolerability. R.Thomas, M. Williams, J. Garcia-Vargas
Clinical Onc (2003) 00:1-6.
- Examining quality of life issues in relation to endocrine therapy for breast cancer.
Robert Thomas. American Journal of Clinical Oncology (2003). Vol. 26, No. 4, pp
- Measuring information strategies in oncology Ð developing an information satisfaction questionnaire. Thomas R,
Stanton E and Williams M. EJCC (2004), 13, 65-70.
- Giving patients a choice improves QoL: A multi-centre, randomised, crossover study comparing letrozole with anastrozole. R. Thomas, A. Makris, D.
Bloomfield D. Clinical Onc (2004) 16: 485-91.
- Dietary advice combined with a salicylate, mineral and vitamin supplement
has static properties - phase II. R Thomas, M Blades, M Williams. Nutrition & Food Science (2005),
35 (6), 436- 51
- Can switching to Aromatase inhibitors in tamoxifen intolerant post menopausal women improve hot flushes, toxicity, qol and mood? R Thomas, C Marshall,
L Walker BJC (2008) 98, 1494-99
- The financial implications of switching to adjuvant exemestane in patients with early breast cancer. RJ
Thomas, J Glen & M Callam. Clinical Focus Cancer Medicine (2009);
- Comparing the cost of adjuvant anastrozole with the benefits of managing less patients with relapsed breast cancer. Thomas R, Glen J, Marshal C Breast Cancer
Res &Treat (2009); 117(2),289-94.
- A randomised double-blind phase II study of lifestyle counselling and salicylate compounds in patients with progressive prostate cancer. R Thomas, R Oakes, J Gordon, S Russell, M Blades and M Williams (2009) Nutrition & Food Science, 39(3):295 Ð 305.
- The total hospital and community UK costs of managing patients with relapsed breast cancer. RJ Thomas, M Williams, C Marshall, J Glen and M Callam (2010) British Journal of Cancer, 100, 598 Ð 600.
- A prospective survey of chapped lips and cold sores during chemotherapy. R Thomas, T Taylor, M Williams. Focus on Cancer Medicine (2010); 2 (1) 3-7.
- Lifestyle factors correlate with the risk of late pelvic symptoms after prostatic radiotherapy. R Thomas, M Holm, P Bellamy, A Jervoise, J Maher Clinical Oncology (2013) 25 (4) pp 246-251
- A double blind, placebo controlled randomised trial (RCT) evaluating the effect of a polyphenol rich whole food supplement on PSA progression in men with prostate cancer - The UK National Cancer Research Network (NCRN) Pomi-T study. R Thomas, M Williams1, H Sharma, A Chaudry, P Bellamy. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases March 2014 17, pp180-6 (doi:10.1038/pcan.2014.6)
- Prostate Cancer Progression Defined by MRI Correlates with Serum PSA in Men Undergoing Lifestyle and Nutritional Inter- ventions for Low Risk Disease
Robert Thomas,1,2,3,4 Muhammad Shaikh,5 Michael Cauchi,6 and Dorothy Daiyi Yang7
. J Lifestyle Dis Management. 2015 01 01 SS0001
Editorials and evidence reviews
- Endometrial carcinoma - Adjuvant locoregional therapy. Robert J Thomas, Peter Blake. Clinical Oncology. 1996 8: 140-146.
- Patient Information materials in Oncology: Are they needed and do they work? Thomas R, and H Thorton. Clinical Oncology 1999;11: 225-231
- How to deal with the complexities of patient consent? Robert Thomas. Pulse Clinical pp42-43, 2003.
- The changing face of informed consent. R Thomas. British Journal of Cancer Management. 2004 Vol. 1 No. 1. pp 11-15.
- What are the costs of not using rhEPO to treat anaemia in cancer. R Thomas. Focus on anaemia in cancer. 2002, Vol 3, issue 2, pp52-53.
- NICE guidance on supportive and palliative care - Implications for Oncology Teams.
Thomas & Alison Richardson. Clinical Oncology (2004) 16: 420-424.
- The NICE guidance on supportive & palliative care. R Thomas and Alison Richardson. British Journal of Cancer Management (2004); Vol. 1 No. 3.
- Restructuring supportive care Ð Affect on oncology practice. R Thomas. British Journal of Cancer Management (2005); Vol.2 No.4.p12-15
- Anaemia, fatigue and Epoeitin in Oncology R Thomas. British Journal of Cancer Management. (2005) Vol.2 April No. 4,.
- Complemenatry and alternative medicine evidence online for cancer. J Richardson, K Pilkington and R Thomas. BJCM 2005, vol.2, no.2, pp10-12.
- Diet, salicylates and their effect on prostate cancer. 2006. R Thomas, C
Woodward and P Williams. British Journal of Cancer Management 3, 1, pp 5-9.
- Adjuvant breast cancer drugs- blockbusters or bankrupters. 2006 , Thomas R, Glen J, Callam M, British Journal of Cancer Management no.3, vol 24, pp 5-9
- Can dietary and lifestyle intervention alter prostate cancer progresssion? 2007.
R Thomas, M Blades. Nutrition & Food Science, 2007, 37;1 24-36.
- Cancer - the roles of exercise in prevention and progression. Robert Thomas and Nichola Davies. Nutrition and Food Science 2007.Volume 37 Issue
- Lifestyle during and after cancer Treatments Thomas R, Davies N. Clinical Oncology 2007, 19, pp 616-627.
- Should oncology units establish Lifestyle Clinics?. Thomas R, Williams M, Davis N. Clinical Focus on Cancer Medicine 2009 (1) 2 38-48
- Life after cancer - rehab at home can improve well-being and survival. R Thomas, M Williams and T Taylor (2009) British
J of Home Healthcare, 5(1):10-12.
- Exercise after Cancer - How to do it? R Thomas. ICON Journal September 2009
- Micro-nutritional testing - pros and cons ICON magazine 2010 issue 2
- Exercise and lifestyle after cancer- evidence review Davis N, Bateman L, Thomas R British Journal of Cancer (2011) vol 105 pp 52-73.
- Breast Cancer - a review of the latest trials from ASCO R Thomas and M Holm ICON Journal Volume 9 issue 3 pages 23-29 (2013)
- Polyphenols and Cancer and prostate cancer R Thomas ICON Journal, volume 9 issue 4 (2013)
- Impact of cancer treatments on the skin, nails and hair (2014) . R Thomas. The journal of the Federation of Holistic Therapist issue 107, pp 22-24.
- The benefits of exercise after cancer. An international review. (2014). R Thomas & M Holmes. The British Journal of Medical Practitioners,
- Phytochemicals in cancer prevention and management ? Robert Thomas, Elizabeth Butler, Fabio Macchi and Madeleine Williams BJMP June 2015
8 2
- Exercise induced biochemical changes and their potential influence on
cancer: a scientific review. R Thomas, S Kenfeld, A Jimenez British Journal
of Sports Medicine 2017:51:640-644
Letters and case reports with literature review:
- Writing medical Papers . Dr Robert J Thomas. Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine August 1993
- Evidenced based patient information - Local policies would be better than a national strategy. 1999, British Medical Journal, vol 318. page 462.
- Further differential diagnosis of hilar masses. Dr Robert J Thomas. The British Journal of Radiology (1992). Vol.65, No.774, p.553.
- Mistaken Hilar Mass. Dr Robert J Thomas, Dr G Duchesne. The British Journal of Radiology (1991). Vol.64, No.766, p.977-978.
- The Tin-Tack sign in post irradiation scalp skin scales. Dr Robert J Thomas, Dr Neil Smith, Dr Margaret Spittle. British Journal of Dermatology (1992). Vol 126/1: 90
- PET saves man. Robert Thomas, Madeleine Williams & Sally Old. British Journal of Cancer Management. Summer 2004 Vol. 1 No. 1, p22-23
- Bevacizumab saves the day. R Thomas, Sanjay Raj, Ahmed Eldin. 2005. BJCM. Vol.2, number 2. p20-21.
- Cetuximab Ð a new team player. Yassa Haba, Myrddin Rees, David Skipper, Robert Thomas. 2006 BJCN, vol 2, no.3 pp19-21.
- A cool solution for docotaxel induced onycholysis: A case report of cold water baths to prevent docetaxel induced onycolysis PM Ding RJ Thomas Clinical focus on Cancer Medicine 2010 2(1): 18-19.
Original research (not first author)
- Olfactory sensations produced by high-energy photon irradiation of the olfactory receptor mucosa in humans. Stephen Sagar, Robert J Thomas, L. Loverock, Margaret Spittle.
International Journal Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (1990). Vol 20, pp 771-776.
- Dosimetry of intralesional 131I monoclonal antibody therapy in patients with recurrent high grade glioma. S. Chittenden, R. Thomas, G. Flux, T. Smith, M. Brada, M. Flower, R. Ott. 1995. (1). pp. 270-274.
- Mathematical modelling of 3D intracranial radioisotope dose distribution. G Flux, R Thomas, R Ott, Eur. J. Nuclear Medicine. published July 1997
- The verbally administered barthel index in patients with glioma. Dr L Brazil , Dr R Thomas, Dr M Brada. Radiation and Oncology, July 1995.
- The Role and Activity of an Italian Volunteer Organisation providing Information and Emotional Support for Patients with Cancer. F. De lorenzo, c. Paglia i. Duce and U. Tirelli, R. Thomas,. G. Vecchio. Dipartimento di Biologia e Patologia Cellulare e Molecolare L. Califano, Universita Federico Napoli. Nov '98. Health communications June 1999.
- An open randomised trial of second-line endocrine therapy in advanced breast cancer: comparison of the aromatase inhibitors letrozole and anastrozole. C. Rose, O. Vtoraya, A. Pluzanska, N. Davidson, M. Gershanovich, R. Thomas, S. Johnson, et al. European Journal of Cancer 39 (2003) 2318-2327
- To what extent does neutropenia impact on the ability to deliver planned chemotherapy in lymphoma? Ð The results of a UK neutropenia audit J Sweetenhama;B Hancockb; R Pettengellc; A Pagliucad; R Thomase; P Hoskins; A McMillang; M Joynerh; D Spooneri. British Journal of Cancer 2004 vol 23. pp12-17.
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine Evidence On-Line (CAMEOL) For Cancer
J Richardson, K Pilkington & Robert Thomas. British Journal of Cancer Management December 2005, Volume 5.
- Aloe Vera for preventing radiation-induced skin reaction: A systemic literature review. J Richardson, J Smith, M McIntyre, R Thomas, K Pilkington. Clinical Oncology. 2005, 17:478-484.
- Empowering patients to make informed decisions by measuring their needs and satisfaction 2007 N Davies, R Thomas Clinical Focus Cancer Medicine vol 1 (issue1) pages 3-8.
- Online Journals
- Black Cohosh for menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer: A systematic literature review. Joanna Smith, Janet Richardson, Michael McIntyre, Rob Thomas, Karen Pilkington.
- Davies, N.J., Kinman, G., Thomas, R.J., and Bailey, T.A. (2008) Information satisfaction in breast and prostate cancer patients: Implications for quality of life.Ê Psycho-Oncology, published online
Book chapters
- Multimodal Image registration for radioimmunotherapy R. Thomas, G. Flux, M. Brada,
R Ott. In Radioactive isotopes in Nuclear Medicine and research. 1995.
- Intralesional radiolabelled MAb in experimental tumour. R Thomas, P Carnochan, S Eccles, M Brada. For; Radioactive isotopes in Nuclear
Med and research. 1999.
- Empowering patients in Oncology by R Thomas, in ÒThe Psychology of decision makingÓ by Nova Publications 2008.
- The internet and Oncology by R Thomas in ÒThe Oxford Desk Reference: OncologyÓ 2011.
- Lifestyle after Cancer by R Thomas in ÒThe Oxford Desk Reference: OncologyÓ 2011.
- Managing the late effects of Breast Cancer Treatments 2013 Ð Macmillan Cancer Support. 2nd Edition. MAC12161.
- Managing weight gain after Cancer Treatments 2016 Ð Macmillan Cancer Support. 3rd Edition. MAC12167.
- Physical activity after cancer treatments 2014 Ð Macmillan Cancer Support. 2nd edition Mac 12165.
- Physical activity after cancer treatments 2016 - Macmillan Cancer Support. 3rd edition Mac 12165.
- The Treatment of Cancer sixth Edition Price and Sikora 2015 CRC press. Chapter: survivorship after cancer
- the evidence Thomas R
- The Treatment of Cancer sixth Edition Price and Sikora 2022 CRC press. Chapter: survivorship after cancer
- the evidence Thomas R
- The Cancer Revolution 2016 Win win Health Ltd. Chapter Exercise and Cancer
R Thomas
- Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Prostate Cancer: A
comprehensive approach. CRC press ISBN 9781498729871.
Book reviews
- 'Modern developments in chemotherapy' A review for Haematology - August 1999
- A combined approach to cancer management. A review for BOA magazine 2000
Talks and abstracts
- Olfactory sensations in Radiotherapy. Robert J Thomas, S Sagar, M Spittle. BIR Annual conference. Harrogate 1990. Abstract, British Journal of Radiology, Sept 1990.
- Distal Muscle Involvement in a new category of Muscular Dystrophy. R Thomas, R Goodwin-Austen. The Midlands Annual Neurological Conference. Wolverhampton, June'86. Conference proceedings.
- Diffusion characteristics of intralesionally administered 131I monoclonal antibody in patients with recurrent high grade glioma. R J Thomas, M Brada, P Carnochan G. Flux, N Kitchen, D Bigner, M Zalutsky. 10th International conference on Brain Tumour research. Voss, Norway. J of Neuro-Oncology. 1993. vol.15 suppl. pp.28.
- Localisation of uptake in radioimmunotherapy using a stereotactic head frame. R J Thomas, G Flux, M Brada. Royal College of Radiologist annual conference 1993, Warwich. Clinical Oncology October 1993.
- Image registration with the aid of a stereotactic head frame for radioimmunotherapeutic studies. British journal of Neurosurgery. (British Neuro-oncology group conference June 1993 ) RJ Thomas, G Flux, S Chittenden, B Cronin, R Ott, M Brada. British Journal of Neurosurgery. Dec 1993.
- Dosimetry of intralesional 131I monoclonal antibody therapy in patients with recurrent
high grade glioma. S. Chittenden, R. Thomas, G. Flux, T. Smith, M. Brada, M. Flower, R. Ott. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Jan. 1994, Vol 21. p3
- Multimodal Image registration for radioimmunotherapy - Surface landmark and frame based correlation in patients with recurrent high grade glioma. R. Thomas S, Chittenden,G. Flux, T. Smith, M. Brada, R. Ott. European J of Nuc Med. Jan 1994. Vol.21, pp7.
- Speech and language disorders in patients with high grade gliomas and its influence on survival. R Thomas, M O'Conner, S Asley, M Brada. (First congress of the European Association for Neuro-Oncology). 1994. Journal of Neuro-Oncology Vol.21, No.1. p.22.
- Speech and language disorders in patients with high grade gliomas and its influence on survival. (British Neuro-oncology group conference June 1994 ). R Thomas, M O'Conner, S Asley, M Brada. British Journal of Neurosurgery. Dec1994.
- Verbally administered Barthel Index as functional assessment in brain tumour patients. R Thomas, M Brada. (Brit. Neuro-oncology group conference ). B J Neurosurg. Dec'94.
- Intralesional 131I-labelled Mab therapy in patients with recurrent high grade glioma.
R. Thomas , S Chittenden, G. Flux, R. Ott, M. Brada. (British Neuro-oncology group conference July1994) British Journal of Neurosurgery. Dec 1995.
- Intralesional 131I-labelled Mab therapy in patients with recurrent high grade glioma. R. Thomas , S Chittenden, G. Flux, R. Ott, M. Brada. (First congress of the European Association for Neuro-Oncology). 1994. Journal of Neuro-Oncology Vol.21, No.1. p.68.
- Acute morbidity following catheter implantation for interstitial brachytherapy and immunotherapy for glioma. P Doshi, R Thomas, R Beaney, D Thomas. (British Neuro-oncology group conference 1994) British Journal of Neurosurgery. Dec 1994.
- Hypofractionated radiotherapy as palliative treatment in poor prognosis patients with high grade glioma. R Thomas, N James, A Gregor, M Brada.. (1st congress of the European Ass. for Neuro-Oncology). 1994. Journal of Neuro-Oncology Vol.21, No.1. p.45.
- Hypofractionated radiotherapy as palliative treatment in poor prognosis patients with high grade glioma. N James, R Thomas, D Guerro, S Asley, A Gregor, M Brada. ( BOA 1994). British Journal of Cancer July 1994, Vol. 70. Supplement XX11.
- Intralesional 131-I labelled Mab therapy in patients with recurrent high grade gliomas. (BOA 1994). Thomas R, Flux G, Chittenden S, Hall A, Kitchen N, Thomas DGT, Bigner D, Zalutsky, Brada M. British Journal of Cancer July 1994, Vol. 70. Supplement XX11.
- 38)Verbally administered Barthel Index as functional assessment in brain tumour patients. R Thomas, L Brazil, M Brada (The first congress of the European association for Neuro-oncology April 1994). 21, (1), p.71.
- Monoclonal antibodies in Neuro-Oncology - a review. R Thomas. Royal College of Radiologist annual conference 1994, Warwich. Abstract. Clinical Oncology October 1994.
- Multimodal image registration for radioimmunotherapy. Surface Landmark and frame based correlation in patients undergoing intralesional 131-I MAb therapy for recurrent high grade glioma. (BOA 1994) Thomas R, Flux G, Chittenden C, Ott B, Brada M. British Journal of Cancer July 1994, Vol. 70. Supplement XX11.
- The use of multimodality imaging to monitor intralesional therapy. G. Flux, R. Thomas, S.Chittenden, T. Smith, M. Brada, M. Flower, R. Ott. ( W.F.N.M.B Sydney 1994) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. September 1994.
- Stage one mixed teratoma/seminoma - outcome and patterns of failure following surveillance. Thomas R , Dearnaley D and Horwich A. (BOA 1995). British Journal of Cancer. July 1995.
- Distribution kinetics of radiolabelled MAbs in experimental tumours following interstitial and systemic administration. Dr R J Thomas, P Carnochan, M Brada. (ECCO 1995) Radiotherapy and Oncology. Nov. 1995.
- Lymphography - its role in the radiotherapy planning of carcinoma of the cervix. Thomas R, Wilkins M, Blake P. ( Conference: Brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy for carcinoma of the cervix). February 1996. British Journal of Radiology.
- Carcinoma of the cervix. the role of lymphography in individualising the planning target volume. (BOA 1996). R Thomas, M Wilkins, N Hinds, P Blake. For British Journal of Radiology; 69:579
- Patients attitudes towards video directed information - A multicentre study. Deary A, Kaminski E, Thomas R. The European Journal of Cancer. (ECCO) 1997. Vol. 33, Supplement 8, 1389.
- Do patient's want the same information as the GP? Kaminski E, Deary A, Thomas R. The European Journal of Cancer. (ECCO) 1997. Vol. 33, Supplement 8, 1391.
- Patient preferences for and satisfaction to a breast care nurses specialist. Shingler G, Smith S, Thomas R. European Journal of Cancer. (ECCO) 1997. Vol. 33, Supplement 8, 1397.
- Cancer patient education and information: Development of a new structured information package. DeZeeuz N, Bulusu R, Thomas R. EJC. (ECCO) 1997. Vol. 33, Sup 8, 1400.
- Patients attitudes towards an individualised filofax information system. Kaminski E, DeZeeuz N, Balusu R, Thomas R. EJC. (ECCO) 1997. Vol. 33, Sup 8, 1401.
- Where do patients seek additional information after a diagnosis of cancer - A multicenre survey. Shingler G, Bulusu R, Thomas R. EJC. (ECCO) 1997. Vol. 33, Sup8, 1426.
- Comparison of intralesional and systemically administered radiolabelled MAb in experimental tumours. R Thomas, P Carnochan, S Eccles, M Brada. E J Nuclear Med. Sup.4. Jan 1998.
- Video directed information - Patient satisfaction following a diagnosis of cancer. Deary A, Malone L, Jessop L, Akass C, Thomas R. Annuls of Oncology (ESM0) Volume 9, Supplement 4, pp 143.
- Anxiety and Depression - Effect on patients preferences for information following a diagnosis of cancer. Thomas R, Brown C, Dalton L, Welton S, Stockton D. Ann of Onc (ESM0) Vol 9, Sup 4, pp 141.
- Treatment of platinum-induced anaemia eith epoetin alpha: Attitudes of community and hospital based nursing staff. A Deary and R Thomas. The European J. of Cancer. Vol.35. Suppl.4. p.30 (ab. 92).
- Why Oncologist should provide a web site for their patients. L Dalton and R Thomas. The European Journal of Cancer. Vol.35. Suppl.4. p.46 (ab. 164).
- Preparatory information on video cassette significantly reduces treatment associated anxiety and depression - A randomised multicentre trial. R Thomas, M Daly, F Delorenzo
The European Journal of Cancer. Vol.35. Suppl.4. p.275 (ab. 1101).
- Thomas R, Daly M, Dalton L, Perryman B, Stockton D. Preparatory information on video significantly improves treatment associated anxiety, depression and satisfaction - a multicentre study. JCO 1999;Supp 8 (ASCO):1570
- Optimising the side effects of raltitrexed with appropriate supportive drugs: a prospective community hospital study. Thomas R, Bulusu R. EJC March 2001 vol 37, supp.2 pp119.
- Lyphpoma Chemotherapy Ð an audit of neutrpenia, dose intensity, and gcsf use in the UK. R Thomas, J.Sweetman, P Hoskins. EJC March 2001 vol 37, supp.2 pp119
- Adjuvant breast cancer Chemotherapy Ð an audit of neutrpenia, dose intensity, and gcsf use in the UK. R Thomas and R Leonard. EJC March 2001 vol 37, supp.2 pp61
- Developing and evaluating a regional patient information strategy. R Thomas, C.Lockery. EJC March 2001 vol 37, supp.2 pp 62
- Measuring resposes to received information Ð development of a patient satisfaction questionnaire. Kaminski E, Thomas R EJC (1396) vol 37 supplement 6 October 2001
- Early intervention with Epoetin alfa for treatment of anaemia and improvement of quality of life in cancer patients undergoing myelotoxic chemotherapy.
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- Hormone therapy for breast cancer Ð qol, toxicity and patient preference of letrozole versus anstrozole EJC Proc EBCC 2002, Vol 38, supp 3, anstract 171
- Early intervention with Epoetin alfa for treatment of anaemia and improvement of quality of life in cancer patients undergoing myelotoxic chemotherapy.Õ H Thomas, R Thomas, K McAdam, J Joffe, E Sugden, S Awwad, N Bailey, A Branson. S ESMO, Nice 2002.
- What are the costs of not using rhEPO to treat anaemia in cancer?
Robert Thomas Focus on Anaemia in cancer. Vol 3, Issue 2, 2002, Supported by Roche.
- Empowering patients to make informed treatment decisions; tolerability, quality of life and patients preference. A compariston of letrozole v anastrazole in a multi-centre, randomised, single blind cross over study. R. Thomas, A. Makris, 2002. EJC. 38, sup 3 S83, 171
- Empowering patients to make informed treatment decisions based on tolerability, quality of life and patients preference. D Bloomfield, R Thomas, A Makris, S Godward and M Moody. 27th ESMO Congress, Nice, France. Annals of Oncololgy, vol. 13, 2002, sup 5, 32. No. 114
- Preliminary phase II results of the salicylate rich formula CV247 in patients with malignant disease. R Thomas, S Godward, M Williams, W Wassil. 27th ESMO Congress, S 5, p 30.
- Preliminary phase II results of the salicylate rich formula CV247 in patients with malignant disease. Thomas R, Godward S, Williams M, Wassif W. BOA Annual Scientific Meeting in association with BASO, Cambridge. September 2002.
- Examining tolerability, quality of life and patient preference of letrozole versus anastrozole in a multicentre, randomised, single blind cross over study. Makris A, Thomas R, Bloomfield D, Godward S, Moody M. 25th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. Vol. 76, 2002, 265.
- Patient Information Ð patients in clinical trials are more satisfied. R. Thomas, M, Williams. 2005 EJC , Vol. 3, no.2, pp 384 (ab 1341)
- Can we move to a paperless information system? A Deary & R Thomas. 2005 EJC , Vol. 3, no.2, pp 460 (ab 1587).
- Can switching to letrozole in tamoxifen intolerant post menopausal women improve hot flushes, qol and mood? R Thomas, C Marshall, M Williams, L Walker (26th San Antonio Breast cancer Conference) Dec 2005. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment ab 2067.
- Can switching to letrozole in tamoxifen intolerant post menopausal women improve hot flushes, qol and mood? R Thomas, C Marshall, M Williams, L Walker (31st ESMO Conference) Oct 2006. Annals of Oncology volume 17, supplement 10
- Palonestron Ð cost effectiveness in clinical community practice. R Thomas, , M Williams, (31st ESMO Conference) Oct 2006. Annals of Oncology volume 17, supplement 10
- Evaluating the cost effectivenss of adjuvant exemestane. ECCO Barcelona 2007 ÐAnnals of Oncology volume 17, supplement.
- Nottingham breast cancer conference 2007 Ð Evaluating the cost effectiveness of letrozole. Conference procedings
- A randomised double blind randomised phase II study of salicylate compounds and lifestyle counselling in patients with arly prostate cancer. Robert Thomas, M. Williams, Simon russell, Julie gordon Roger Oakes. 2008 National Cancer Research procedings page 261.
- The total hospital and community costs of managing a patient with relapsed breast cancer R Thomas, M williams, C Marshall, J Glen, M Callam. 2008 National Cancer Research procedings page 226.
- Information satisfaction in breast and prostate cancer patients: Implications for quality of life.Ê Davies, N.J., Kinman, G., Thomas, R.J., and Bailey, T.A. (2008) Psycho-Oncology, published online at
- A prospective survey of chapped lips and cold sores during chemotherapy. R Thomas, T Taylor, M Williams. Abstract ECCO 2009 vol 7, no.2 page233 sup4162
Development of a lifestyle exit tool box. R Thomas, T Taylor, M Williams. Abstract and poster ECCO 2009 EJC vol 7, no.2 page210 sup3608
- Is the National activity for health referral scheme the practical solution for exercise referral for exercise rehabilitation after cancer. R Thomas, Pei Ding, M Williams.
- Omega 3 and vitamin D deficiencies are common in Cancer survivors. R Thomas, Madeleine Williams. The NCRI conference Liverpool 2011
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- Chemotherapy induced sore lips and the use of natural and petroleum based lip balms R Thomas and Madeleine Williams. The NCRI conference Liverpool 2011 ncriconference/2010abstracts/abstracts/B131.htm
- Lifestyle during and after radiotherapy influences late radiotherapy toxicity. R Thomas, Mea Holm, Pat Bellamy, Jervoise Andreyev, Jane Maher. The NCRI conference Liverpool 2011 www.ncriconference/2011abstracts/abstracts/A112.htm
- Can the day 8 blood test be omitted for patients receiving oral vinorelbine for metastatic breast cancer. R Thomas, R Khunti, M. Williams J Glen. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 vol 48. S1 pp 392
- A double blind, placebo controlled randomised trial (RCT) evaluating the effect of a polyphenol rich whole food supplement on PSA progression in men with prostate cancer - The UK National Cancer Research Network (NCRN) Pomi-T study. ASCO 2013 R Thomas, M Williams1, H Sharma, A Chaudry, P Bellamy Journal of Clinical Oncology 31. Suppl. 5008.
- A polyphenol rich whole food supplement slows progression in men with prostate cancer.
A double blind, placebo controlled randomised trial. The International Multidiscipinary Conference of Supportive Care (Berlin). R Thomas, M Williams1, H Sharma, A Chaudry, P Bellamy. 2013 International Journal of Supportive Care, 2013
- Long term use of a polyphenol rich food supplement after the uk pomi-t study Ð prostate tumour growth on mri matches psa dynamics. Robert Thomas1,2,3,
M. Williams. Supportive care in cancer 2015, vol 23 (1) 26-014
- Holistic needs assessment and complementary therapies during complex
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- Exercise and Cancer - plenary session at the NCRI annual conference
Liverpool 2015
- The UK Polybalm study ASCO 2017