Probably works as a counter
irritant to help shut down the pain gates and by stimulating the release of endorphins,
the body's own painkilling chemicals. Numerous studies show that it helps relieve
headache, migraine, lower back pain and muscle joint and bone pain, but do ask the
acupuncturists about his success rates with your type of pain. Contact the British
Acupuncture Council on 0108735 0400.
Is a powerful natural medicine
- aspirin and morphine originate from plants. Feverfew, shown in scientific studies to
alleviate pain, is used by many migraine sufferers, and capsaicin (which puts the heat in
chillies) is incorporated into prescription medicines for arthritis. Herbal remedies are
not tested as rigorously as drugs, so always consult a qualified herbalist via the
National Institute for Medical Herbalists on 01392 426022
Have been found to have many
beneficial qualities and help to control the pain volume. Massage with aromatherapy oils
promotes relaxation, relieves pain by rubbing and reduces muscle tension as well as
lifting your mood, and some oils may be effective in providing short-term pain relief. To
find a qualified practitioner contact the Aromatherapy Organizations Council on 020 8251
Helps relaxation and relieves
muscle tension, which may be causing pain, by teaching you to move and use your body
correctly. Research shows it can help alleviate lower back pain and arthritis symptoms and
it may help with general pain relief, particularly for stress- related conditions such as
headaches. Contact the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique on 02073510828.
Pain is stressful and the more
anxious become, the worse your pain feels. Experts have identified a pain cycle where the
physical problems of pain. Learning to let go of that tension breaks the cycle. All or one
of the following techniques should help:
Hundreds of studies have shown that meditation relieves anxiety and
depression and promotes deep relaxation. Most people find it helpful to learn the
technique first from a qualified teacher, ask in your library about local groups or
contact Transcendental Meditation on 0990143733.
Invest in a relaxation
tape or try this simple method, find somewhere quiet and comfortable to lie, close your
eyes and then, starting with your toes, first tense and then relax each muscle group in
turn throughout your body. Take your time and keep going until you work your way up to
your head. Then tense your whole body and relax. Wait for a few minutes before opening
your eyes and getting up.
This induces an extreme form of relaxation that calms your conscious
mind and allows your subconscious to become more sensitive to messages that help relieve
stress and anxiety and assist pain relief. Once you've learned the technique from a
qualified therapist you can use it for self-hypnosis. Contact the National Register of
Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists (01282716839) or the British Society of Medical and
Dental Hypnosis (0170955458).
Imagining your body fighting pain both aids relaxation and helps you
feel more in control. Sit or lie comfortably in a quiet room, close your eyes and
concentrate on your breathing. Confront your pain directly by focusing your mind on the
area of your body where you feel it most. Imagine it slowly ebbing away or think of it as
a flaming fire that you can douse with cool, soothing water.
An excellent way of
promoting relaxation which is especially helpful for relieving anxiety and stress. It may
help relieve back pain directly as it strengthens and stretches the lower back and spine.
Ask at your local library about courses or contact The British Wheel of Yoga on
01529303233 to find out about teachers near you.
Other treatments to try
A TENS machine is probably the most familiar but ail
these treatments can be bought and used safely at home.
TENS - (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
Involves placing electrodes carrying low voltage electrical
stimulation on to painful areas, blocking messages to the brain and encouraging the
release of endorphins. Some people experience pain relief only while the machine is
switched on, although others find it lasts for several hours afterwards. Small enough to
be worn under clothes, it costs from £50 and is available through Boots and other
electrical retailers.
TSE - (transcutaneous spinal analgesia)
Is similar to TENS but uses a small electrical current to
stimulate the spine directly. It has been shown to help back, neck, post operative and
arthritis pain and becomes more effective the longer it's used. Cost: £99
(plus VAT); contact Advanced Pain Management on 01254611431
Is a new treatment using low frequency electromagnetic
waves emitted by a small hand-held battery operated unit held close to the area of pain.
The waves probably stimulate the release of natural pain suppressants and decrease the
levels of stress hormones. Help with back pain, migraine, joint and muscle pain, and
shingles. Cost: £154.95 (plus VAT); further information from Snowden Ltd. on 08700771772.
Where to find more help?
For a fact sheet on coping with chronic pain:
- Pain Clinic (VA), Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Ethelbert
Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3NG,send £2 plus an sae
- The Pain Relief Foundation, Rice Lane, Walton, Liverpool
L9 1AE; send an A4 50p sae, plus £1, for a pain information pack.
- Painwise UK, 33 Kingsdown Park, Tankerton, Kent CT5 2DT
(01227277993); send an sae for a fact sheet.
Further general information Your doctors
and specialist nurses are in an ideal position to give you relevant information
on your disease and treatment as they know your individual circumstances. Cancerbackup
has a help line (0808 800 1234) and a prize winning video
available in English, Italian, Urdu, Bengali,
Gujarati & Hindi explaining Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy.
has over 500 pages describing cancer, its management, practical tips and tool
which patients, their carers and their doctors have found helpful during the
cancer journey.