Patients who
have completed a course of treatment
have teamed up with the Cancer doctors, specialists nurses and TV personalities to produce this
21 minute programme. Sue Lawley introduces the film and Anton Rodgers explains the details of
chemotherapy and radiotherapy while watching individuals actually going through the various
stages of treatment. The sections on radiotherapy or chemotherapy have been
separated into two clips which can be viewed below by clicking on the links. Patients describe their own experiences, side effects and methods
to alleviate them. This is the only cancer information film which has been scientifically evaluated
in a Randomised Controlled Trial and has been award a number of prizes.
Watch the films (Click
on the images to start the films):
Prizes and awards:
Winner of the BUPA
1998 research sponsorship award.
An educational merit
in the 1999 BMA video award.
Runner up in the
Hospital Doctor Magazine innovation prize 1999
Runner up in the
BUPA communication award 1999.
Winner of the year
2000 NHS communication prize.
Winner of a £88k
lottery award (NOF) for translation into ethnic languages.
Winner of the year
2000 Hospital Doctor innovation prize.
Winner of the year
2000 overall Hospital Doctor award.
Winner Pfizer 2006
UK oncology awards.
Recommended use:
The film was designed to be given to patients to take home after a
diagnosis of cancer.
Patients often watch it 2-3 times before returning it to the unit
Should be given before the start of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
For use within an Oncology
department a stock of 50 films is usually maintained in order that one is
given to all patients
Published evidence about the benefits of
the film.
Video directed information - Patient satisfaction
following a diagnosis of cancer. Deary A, Jessop L, Akass C, Thomas R.
An of Onc (ESM0) 9, (4), pp 143.
Anxiety & Depression - Effect on patients preferences
for information following a diagnosis of cancer. Thomas R, Stockton D. Ann of Onc (ESM0)
(9), 4, pp 141.
Why Oncologist should provide a web site for their
patients. L Dalton & R Thomas. EJC (35) Sup.4. p.46 (ab.164).
Preparatory information on video significantly
reduces treatment associated anxiety & depression - A multicentre RCT. R Thomas, M Daly.
EJC. (35), 4, 275.
Forewarned is forearmed – benefits
of preparatory film for patients receiving chemo
and radio - a RCT. Thomas R, Daly M, Stockton D
EJC 36 (2000) 1536-43.